Let's talk about Vibration

Everything is energy. And energy is vibration. Quick 6th grade science lesson: You, your doggie, the chair you’re sitting in, and and the celery you’re munching on are all made up of cells. When you zoom in on the cells you find atoms and what is inside the atoms? Nothing. Because it’s just energy. Literally 99.99% of an atom is nothingness because energy can’t be seen.

So what the heck does this have to do with UNSUBSCRIBED?


So far, we’ve been taught that if we obey our parents, go to church, get good grades, go to college, get a good job with benefits and 2 weeks of vacation, get married, buy the house in the burbs, pump out 2.5 kids, pay our taxes, and drink beer on the weekends we will have a great life.

So we do these things but still don’t feel that it’s all working out the way we imagined. The way we were promised it would be. We disagree with our parents, stop believing in church, our college degree feels useless, the job sucks, we never get the vacation time we want, we fight with the spouse, the kids drive us bananas, and taxes are slowly choking us to death.

Life just doesn’t seem fair! Why don’t we get what we want?

Vibration. That’s why. The Law of Attraction says that LIKE ATTRACTS LIKE. So what the heck does that really mean? It means that the Universe responds to your vibration. You are a magnet and the Universe brings to you whatever you are putting out.

So if you’re always thinking things like, “I’ll never afford the vacation I want” then guess what? You’re never going to afford the vacation you want.

If you think things like, “My kids are driving me crazy” then guess what? Your kids are going to be pushing your buttons like you’re a skyscraper elevator.

If you think things like, “My boss is a self-serving a**hole” then guess what? Your boss is going to be a self-serving a**hole.

YOU are in control of your life because your thoughts become your reality. So if you don’t like your reality, you need to change your thoughts. And here is where UNSUBSCRIBED comes in.

Because you are in control of your thoughts, and your thoughts create your reality, you can subscribe to whatever thoughts you want to create the life you want. This also means you can unsubscribe from anything you don’t want to create in your life.

Here’s an example from my life: Let’s take the church scenario. I was born into a Catholic family. My mother’s family and my father’s family were all Catholic. We did the baptisms, confirmations, reconciliations, church every weekend without fail, and my sisters and I were even sent to Catholic school. We read excerpts from the Bible, memorized the prayers and knew when to stand up, sit down, and kneel by rote rehearsal.

I learned to fear the God that was a big white man with a long white beard that sat on a golden throne up in heaven and judged everything I did. OBEY OR ELSE! was the ongoing Catholic threat. Do as you’re told. Don’t question. Confess your sins to a priest and you’d be forgiven. 10 Hail Mary prayers was your punishment and then you’d be straight with God again.

Malarkey. Now as a 42 year old woman I don’t subscribe to those beliefs. I have UNSUBSCRIBED to the beliefs that God is a scary judgey old man up in Heaven, that a priest is the only person that can right my wrongs, and that the Bible is the ultimate authority on my life. All of these beliefs are based in fear and separation. Since I had led a fearful life for so long, having been raised to believe in these Catholic lies, I didn’t have a connection with God. Church was just something we did for 1 hr on the weekend. My vibration matched my results. I experienced lack and self-destructive thoughts and felt purposeless. It nearly killed me.

Now, I know that God is in me, not up in Heaven. I can talk to God and don’t need a priest mediary. I can trust my intuition, not a book written by a bunch of men, to be the authority on my life.

I have raised my level of spiritual awareness, consciousness, and vibration, and so I see and feel God every second of every day, not just 1 hr on the weekends (to look like good little churchgoers in front of the rest of the congregation.)

I invite God into my life in every little way, and so because I’m on a higher vibration, I experience great things in life. I do not have a fearful perspective any longer and because of that, my life is great now. I have no need for depression medications and I feel more purpose than I ever have before.

So what’s next for you? How can you raise your vibration and begin to align your thoughts with a higher consciousness? Well, it starts with what Gabby Bernstein calls the “Choose Again Method.”

I’ll explain.

In her book Superattractor, she talks about a method that she coined “Choose Again” and here’s how it works.

1-Notice the thought

2-Forgive the thought

3-Choose again

Here’s how you can implement it into your life. Let’s use the “my boss is a self-serving ahole” example. The next time you’re at work and you think to yourself, “OMG he’s such a douche. Why is he always patting himself on the back for the work I’ve done! What an a**hole. I hate this job.” You just 1-NOTICE THE THOUGHT

Think to yourself, “Oh yeah, this is what Barbara was talking about. I just noticed that I had this really mean thought about my boss.” This is called self-awareness friend. You are becoming self-aware. You are not operating from a fear-based form of reality where you are just living and going about your days completely unconsciously. You are now completely conscious about the thought that just came into your head.

Next, you forgive the thought and you can even forgive yourself for having the thought. You can say something like, “Ok, so this is growth. I am forgiving myself for having this thought because I am human and I am evolving. I forgive the thought I just had about my boss.” Great. You’re doing great kiddo.

Lastly, you choose again. You put a different thought into your brain, into your consciousness, into your vibration, into your reality. This time you think, “My boss is trying his best with what he knows. He wants this business to be successful, and so do I. I’m grateful to have a job that affords me a home, food, and transportation for my family.” Nice work!

Now, this happens a few days in a row. Maybe even a week or two. Thoughts can be stubborn after all and it takes some time to retrain ourselves but it will happen.

Then one day, you happen to just realize that you didn’t have a bad thought about your boss at all the past few days. In fact, he’s been rather pleasant lately. You have UNSUBSCRIBED from the belief that your boss is a douchebag that is intent on taking credit for your work and ruining 8 hours of your life everyday. You, dare I say it, are even enjoying being at work!

YOU DID THIS. You changed your thoughts. You invited in the reality you really wanted. It was your vibration that did it. You vibrated at a level of feeling love and compassion for your boss, yourself, and your job. And the Universe matched it for you.

Ta-freaking-la! Dang, it feels good to be a spiritual gangsta, doesn’t it?


You're Allowed
