Summer Self-Care Tips for Moms: Recharge Before the School Year

As a mom, I understand firsthand how easily we can be swept up in the constant whirlwind of motherhood stress and anxiety. The lunch-packing, carpool-driving, homework-helping cycle can be nonstop. But guess what, moms? Summer is here and it's time to recharge. We have to remember that we can't pour from an empty cup, and self-care is our way to refill.

Essential Summer Self-Care Tips for Families

Now, how do you take care of yourself in the summer? And even better, how can we make self-care a family activity? Here are some tips that worked wonders for me:

  • Get outdoors: Enjoy the sunshine and fresh air! Plan a picnic or a nature walk. These activities not only help you relax but also create a stronger bond with your family.

  • Embrace the art of doing nothing: Don't fill every minute of your day with tasks and activities. Sometimes, the best thing you can do is absolutely nothing!

  • Engage in activities you love: It could be painting, reading, or even having a pampering session (Yes, as a mom, you deserve to pamper yourself!).

  • Create a self-care routine: This can be as simple as having a quiet cup of tea before everyone wakes up or a nightly skincare routine.

Signs of a Stressed Mom and the Necessity of Self-Care

Are you constantly irritable, overwhelmed, and perpetually tired? These are just a few signs of a stressed mom. As mothers, we bear not just physical but also the mental stress of motherhood. Ignoring these signs and not taking the time for ourselves often leads to burnout, and who wants a summer full of that?

We are so focused on being there for our children that we forget to be there for ourselves. Remember, you can unsubscribe from that! You're not just a mom, you're YOU. A radiant, vibrant woman who has dreams, desires, and needs that go beyond motherhood. Summer is the perfect time to reconnect with that woman.

Motherhood, Stress, and the Path to Rejuvenation

We have stress management for new moms, but what about us veteran moms? Trust me, every stage of motherhood comes with its own unique stressors. But every stage also presents its own unique opportunities for self-care. Summer, with its long days and ample sunlight, provides us with the perfect canvas to paint our self-care masterpiece.

Mom Stress and The Art of Unsubscribing

The journey to unsubscribing from the stress of motherhood might seem daunting, but remember this: every little step counts. The first step could be as simple as acknowledging that you're overwhelmed and stressed out. The next could be deciding to have that quiet cup of tea in the morning.

So, for this summer, let's unsubscribe from the notion that self-care is a luxury or selfish. It's a necessity. It’s time to leave the "shoulds" at the door and make room for the "wants". Because you're never too late, too soon, too old, too young, too busy, or too tired to prioritize yourself.

If you need more support on this journey to prioritizing your self-care and wellbeing, download the free ebook “Unsubscribe from the Shoulds”. In it, I share my own journey and the steps I've taken to unlearn the social norms that held me back. It’s packed full of resources to help you reclaim your time, your peace, and your joy. Because every mom deserves to thrive, not just survive!

Download the free ebook “Unsubscribe from the Shoulds”


Maximizing Your Summer: Time Management Tips for the Last Weeks of Vacation


Finding Joy in Motherhood: Cultivating Happiness in the Midst of Chaos