Feel Happier and Improve Your Self-Esteem by Adopting a Mindful Lifestyle

The notion of mindfulness is not something presented just recently. In fact, it’s a topic that’s been discussed for decades now, with many scientists, spiritualists, and ordinary people trying to prove its benefits. And there are, indeed, lots of them.

And before I list the most notable benefits, let’s first define this concept.

What is Mindfulness, exactly?

To be able to bring this idea closer to your understanding, I’m going to give you a simple example.

Have you ever rushed through a meal or a coffee break? You’ve had lots of things left to do, so you inhaled your food or drink and hurried to finish your job. Did you remember how the food tasted? Was the coffee sweet enough? Or were there many people your age present at the cafeteria? 

I would go ahead and assume that you don’t have an answer to these things. All of the questions I’ve asked just point out missed opportunities – little time junctures during which you weren’t present at the moment. 

That’s what mindfulness is all about- being aware of all that you do and everything that happens around you while living in the Now.

The Advantages of Being Mindful

A variety of institutions have carried out numerous studies in order to verify the advantages that come from living a mindful life. And the following are just a handful of them:

  • You’ll feel less stressed compared to people who aren’t practicing mindfulness

  • It will be easier for you to focus on the present moments, without thinking about the past or the future

  • Your risk of catching infectious diseases and other illnesses will reduce

  • Being mindful will make you feel happier, fulfilled, and more empathetic

  • Your self-esteem will improve, and you’ll become better at accepting your weaknesses and working toward improving them

I can imagine that, for someone who is hearing these things for the first time, all of this may seem like a distant reality. But the sooner you realize that the things I’ve mentioned above result from yearly-long investigations, the sooner you’ll be able to experience them firsthand. 

Even if it seems that some of these emotions will come unnatural to you, that’s okay. It’s important that you understand where you are today to be able to move forward and overcome your possible misconceptions. Practice takes time, and the mindful concept is about taking things slowly at your own pace.

Why is it important that your focus is put on the present moment? Because that’s really all your life is- a chain of current situations and opportunities to make your existence matter. 

Although it’s good to learn from the past, both the positive and negative things you experienced, don’t let them imprison you. The only moment you control is the present, so try to make the most out of it. 

You can’t change the past and you can’t control the future. All that’s left is to appreciate who you are currently and work in the ‘now’ to build the person you want to be in some future present time.

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Being Present Means Accepting Your Reality Without Changing It


Quit Overthinking and Start Living in the Present