Being Present Means Accepting Your Reality Without Changing It

As humans, it comes naturally to us to feel the need to change the reality we don’t like- or the one we don’t think we deserve. The moment you see that things aren’t happening the way you want them to, it’s the very moment you start thinking about ways to alter their course. 

If you have power over the situation, then taking action and making a positive shift is completely normal. However, sometimes you wish things were different when you have little to no control over how they play out. And this is where people seem to make a big mistake- they are so focused on creating a reality tailored to their needs, that they try to change even those things they have no control over.

What happens here is that you begin to complain about everything that’s happening to you, and you put all of your attention, wishing that your presence was different. This is nothing else but a failing attempt to change something you’re not in control of, bringing you all kinds of negative feelings. 

Living in the ‘Now’ Is All About Accepting Your Reality

You all need to be aware of a universal truth: your past is behind you, and your future is uncertain. Many of you feel stuck in a past situation or are too worried about your future to live the present moment to the fullest. And this is probably the biggest mistake you can make in your life!

Take a pause to think about what you’ve just read. Give it a few minutes for this thought to sink in. Although wrapping your amount around this realization for the first time can’t be easy, the sooner you accept it, the sooner you’ll start making all the positive changes in your attitude. You need to realize that all you have is ‘now’, and this short, fleeting period is the only moment you control. 

That being said, not all things that happen now are a result of your present actions. Some of them can even date back from a decision you made months, or even years ago. So, accept the situation as it is and focus only on the things at the moment which you can influence.

Accept those which you can’t control

Building a healthy relationship with your past is the only way you can embrace the present. Get rid of your past regrets and failures and realize that you can only try to prepare for the future- but not influence it.

Now, you’ll see that everything you’re left with is your reality, your ‘now’ moment, which you’re supposed to cherish. I bet you’re feeling a bit foolish now, realizing that all you’ve been doing all these years is worrying about the things that are either finished or that are yet to come. Either way, you’ve wasted your only chance for a change thinking about everything you couldn’t.

But don’t despair. It’s never too late to start living your life to the fullest. Now that you know that accepting your reality is the only way to feel completely present, you’ll feel happier and more fulfilled than ever before.

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