Forget The Past And Future - Focus On Now

There really is no future when you think about it. There's an argument that the past doesn't exist either. How do we know that we truly lived in some previous time, whether 10 years ago, 20 years ago, or just a few seconds in our past? Quantum physicists will tell you that the past and future have no form of existence, and others will tell you that you're living them right now.

Those are some pretty heavy-duty ideas. It might be tough to wrap your mind around those possible realities.

Forget The Past And Future - Focus On Now

While you may disagree with much of what we discussed, you'll probably agree that the future doesn't exist. Existence is the present moment and the present moment only. You can use your past to act more intelligently in the present. That can help you plan for and create the desired reality.

However, you don't exist in the future. Your entire existence is simply this present moment. You can create a new and wonderful present moment in your future, but that's impossible unless you embrace what's going on in your life.

Always Look Ahead and Your Life Will Be Behind You.

Planning and preparation have their place. There are things you have to do today and plan on doing tomorrow and next week so you can pay your bills. You may want to take a vacation in a few months. It would be silly not to plan your actions until then so your vacation can go off without a hitch.

What happens sometimes is that people are constantly looking for the next moment.

They can't wait to get out of work to spend time with their friends. At dinner with friends, they look at their phones and realize their favorite reality show will be on soon. While at home watching television, they are thinking about a work

responsibility they must tackle the following day. Immediately upon rising the following morning, that person thinks of the traffic she'll have to battle to get to work on time.

Every thought is about the future, and we have no control over any future reality.

Don't spend your entire life looking at your past or your future. Before you know it, you'll be at the end of your road and won't have enjoyed so many present moments that could have given you joy and fulfillment. The only existence you have is right now.

That sentence you just read is already behind you, in your past. This is an example of how fleeting time is. It's also a lesson that you should grasp your current reality and embrace it. Give it its moment. Look for the beauty in the now. You'll find that you enjoy less stress and anxiety and more fulfillment and peace of mind. That's a life worthy of living.

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