Improve Your Productivity and Results by Living in the Moment

Originating from the 1990s, the idea of multitasking has been a hot trend for years. It started spreading from the mouths of the so-called “productivity gurus” of the time, who advised everyone that juggling several tasks at once is a great idea. 

Namely, they were telling everyone that if they focused on multiple assignments at the same time, they will be more productive and they’ll finish their assignments sooner. This made people believe that if they focus on working hard for a period of time, they’ll have more time to enjoy themselves and relax afterward.

I remember that many best-sellers talked about how multitasking is a trait of every big achiever. Moreover, they claimed that this practice would help you be more successful and productive, improving every aspect of your life. 

And after several years of making billions of dollars from the sails, people finally unmasked the true nature behind this phenomenon. To many’s surprise, it was proven that it gave quite the opposite results to what it claimed. And all that millions of people were talking about now is what a productivity killer this Multitasking God actually is!

And from that moment on, things got a different turn. Finally, people realized that the only way they can be successful and productive in what they do is if they focus on a single task at a time. It’s safe to say that most of them saw instant results and were actually happier about their lives and jobs. 

To this day, this is still the BEST way to make the most out of your time and effort!

The Most Important Thing to Living in the Moment is Focus

I know so many people who struggle to live in the present. They are either preoccupied with what happened in the past, or what they are going to do in the future. But if you give value to things you don’t have control of right now, you can't expect that you’ll do your job effectively. 

This idea about focus can be presented by so many real-life situations.

For example, if you’re working as a carpenter, lacking focus while you work will increase your chance of making mistakes. If you don’t measure your lumber right, you’ll cut it at the wrong place and end up with a useless piece of wood. Now, you’ll have to take or buy a new one and repeat the process once again. And this will cost you both time and money. 

But if you had simply remained focused on measuring the lumber, or even double-checking the measurements, you’ll have your job finished on your first attempt. 

What I’m trying to say is that focus is the most important thing that makes the difference between productive and unproductive people. If you put your attention to what you’re currently doing, you’ll finish your task both better and faster. In one word- you’ll be productive in what you do. 

So, let go of everything that bothers you, all the things you can’t control. Start being present in the moment and notice how you’ll begin doing better in life. 

Download the free ebook “Unsubscribe from the Shoulds”


Quit Overthinking and Start Living in the Present


Forget The Past And Future - Focus On Now