The Butterfly

We all know how a caterpillar becomes a butterfly…but we often don’t think about a very critical part of that process…..the struggle. I talked about this on my recent podcast so if you haven’t heard it yet, maybe head on over and have a listen.

The caterpillar goes into the cocoon where it becomes a gooey, icky mess as it transforms into a butterfly. This, we know. But what we are not always considering is the struggle of the butterfly to get out of the cocoon.

If someone was to think, “Oh my goodness. Look at that butterfly struggling to get out. I’m going to help. I’m going to cut a piece of the cocoon away so that the butterfly can emerge easier.”

This is not helping at all.

This is actually very detrimental to the butterfly.

The butterfly NEEDS the struggle to get out. The struggle is what makes the butterfly’s wings strong enough for flight. It is in the struggle that the strength is built. The struggle is necessary.

If you are struggling somewhere in your life, keep this in mind: you’re in the cocoon trying to get out. The struggle is the necessary part and once you emerge, you’ll be a beautiful butterfly because of what you went through.

So take a few moments to think about, or if you’re into writing things down then journal about it, how exactly in your life are you struggling right now? What do you need to unsubscribe from? How can you trust your gut more and follow your own path? What will you do with yourself once you emerge?

There is so much power in self-reflection. Please, take this time for yourself and seek the answers that are already in you. In doing so, you can start living a soul-led life according to your true purpose.


3 Things To Tell Yourself Everyday


Texting Trouble