3 Things To Tell Yourself Everyday

Have you read Mirror Work by Louise Hay? if not, I HIGHLY suggest you go do that. This book, well and frankly any book by her, is a goldmine.

Louise reminds us that we are the one person we talk to the most in a day, so what are you saying to yourself? Are you saying happy, positive, nurturing, and loving thoughts to yourself? Or are you saying mean, negative, critical, and nasty thoughts to yourself?

Here’s 3 things to say to yourself everyday. Saying these affirmations in the mirror, like Louise suggests, gives them extra powers!

I love you.

You’re really smart.

You’re irreplaceable.

Now, I fully understand that saying these things to yourself could be downright impossible if you’re in a season of hating yourself. I was there once so I know what that’s like.

There was a time, not too long ago, that I hated myself so badly. I thought I was an awful person and my family would be better without me. I thought I was the biggest idiot around and that the world would breathe a sigh of relief if I were no longer here.

But that’s not true at all. Not one single bit.

I was telling myself these awful things and completely believing it. Because the brain is a little bitch and will reinforce whatever you tell it! So let’s make sure you’re saying the right things to yourself.

Because truly, YOU ARE loved. YOU ARE really smart. YOU ARE irreplaceable.

Say these things to yourself, in the mirror, everyday if possible. Mirror Work is an amazing tool to use for self-love. Remember: I love you. You’re really smart. You’re irreplaceable.

Peace, love, & butterflies,



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The Butterfly