10 Essential Time Management Strategies for Overwhelmed Moms

Are you a mom? You know that this automatically makes you a superwoman! 

However, being fully committed to work and family often makes it impossible to care for yourself. While looking after the kids, home, work, and your partner can often be exhausting and stressful. No wonder you feel overwhelmed every time you think about how do working mothers manage their time. First, don't be sad; you are not alone – even superheroes need a break! Too much pressure can lead to mental strain, endless physical exhaustion, and more. Trust me; it doesn't have to be this way. 

Before you get further stressed out, I have good news for you. Pursuing a fulfilling career while actively playing the role of a mother is more than possible. But, it can only be done when you find a work-life balance. With that in mind, I have compiled the essential time management strategies for the overwhelmed mom that can make juggling two sides a bit easier.

Without wasting more time, let's dive in and read through these tips on time management for moms at home as well as work:

Get enough rest

We all know that our bodies need eight hours of sleep to function properly. However, being a mom means you compromise on healthy sleeping patterns when caring for kids, especially young ones. And when you continue it for years, it results in damaging effects on your health. By design, you automatically find yourself fighting fatigue, stress, and anxiety. To catch up on the lost hours of sleep and rejuvenate yourself, you can make a few changes to your lifestyle. For example, nap when your baby sleeps or modify your environment to induce restfulness, including setting the right room temperature. Finally, one simple rule you should always follow, especially when caring for infants, is to sleep when your child sleeps! You will also get a few adorable snuggles along the way.


Planning is one of many vital time management strategies for overwhelmed moms. As a mom, you already have a lot on your plate, and that's ok! If you work out a daily routine to work on your everyday tasks, it will do wonders. For example, you can use technology to schedule your task or list your to-dos for the next day. Ensure to allot time for each activity and complete the obligations within the specified period. A dedicated routine will help you be more productive and execute tasks without hassles.

Set everyday goals

Motherhood never came easy to anyone. All of a sudden, you are tasked with raising a child while at the same time looking after your work commitments, family, and more. You can do it all, provided you make things manageable from the start. Don't take too much on your plate, as it can drain all your energy. Instead, set achievable goals – even the tiniest ones can make a huge difference! Additionally, don't rush to complete other tasks if you have some free time. Use this time instead to allow yourself some pampering and a well-deserved me-time.


It is important to understand that some tasks yield more results than others. So understand that you cannot do everything all at once. For instance, on some days, laundry or repairs can wait while you can look after important tasks. Monitor your current important duties and prioritize them to take advantage of what's important right now.

Maintain work-life boundaries

Work-life often takes a toll on your health and overall well-being. You may find yourself taking clients' calls while making your little one eat at the same time. Since your focus gets divided, you may send the wrong email to a client or make your child eat incorrectly. Do you see why it is essential to maintain a work-life balance? Achieving it can help you ace as a professional and working mom. Find a workable strategy, and make yourself available at specific periods to ensure a clear boundary between your home and work.

Don't chase perfection

Women often feel pressure to be perfect during their children’s growing years. Consequently, with this, women often set unrealistic standards and find it hard to meet them. As a woman, you aspire to be the perfect mom, professional, and most active community member. In trying to chase these roles, you compromise your health and self-care, eventually burning yourself out. So stop striving for perfection. When it comes to motherhood, beauty lies in imperfections.

These are some of the time management strategies for the overwhelmed mom. From all the tips I have shared, you can conclude that time management for moms who work from home and office time is possible. By following these, you can maximize your available hours and reduce what adds no value to your well-being.

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