The Busy Mom's Guide to Setting and Achieving Personal Goals

Do you know identifying and achieving personal goals is a powerful way to improve the quality of your life? Sadly, working moms often find it hard to accomplish this but at the cost of what? Happiness! 

It’s a well-known fact that motherhood comes with its fair share of challenges. While many working mothers do a great job managing core areas such as kids, careers, and maintaining a happy marriage, they are faltering in another important area – health and happiness. Therefore, goal setting is an activity that women should take seriously. Achieving your self-fulfillment goals and being an example for your kids is essential. Today, I will share tips for setting and achieving personal goals for moms in everyday life.

Define your goals

This is the first step when setting personal goals for moms. Here, you need to define what they are and ensure they are achievable and relevant to you. Create goals specific to your personal and professional life to keep you motivated. As a first step, you can even write them down to keep yourself accountable and to become disciplined. Your kids are not the only ones who get a good talking-to – sometimes, you have to turn the mirror to yourself. Some of the personal goals for moms can be:

  • Cooking healthy meals.

  • Exercising every day.

  • Spending time with your family.

  • Getting more sleep.

  • Taking kids outdoors in the evening.

These are a few personal goals and ideas. You can even include yours in the personal goals lists per your preferences. The choice is all yours!

Choose measurable goals

How would you know whether you have achieved your goals or not? Obviously, you need results to determine whether you have achieved them. Believe me; no achievement will be made if you dive head-on without testing the waters at first. Look at it like this – would you climb Mount Everest if you’ve never had any mountain climbing experience before? With that in mind, it is important to define measurable goals because when you see making progress, it keeps you motivated and entices you to continue along.

Time to take action

Once the goals have been set and you have given them the measurable attributes, it is time to start some action. Guess the best part? This is where the magic happens! Work hard and continue to be motivated. One important thing to remember is not to give up if you don't achieve them or if your goals are taking longer than expected. Everything will happen on its own time. And all you need to do is just be consistent with your commitment.

Reward yourself

So the goals are set, and action has been taken. Now what? Well, It's time to reward yourself for achieving the goals and maintaining consistency! Often we move to the next set of tasks on our list without rewarding ourselves, which shouldn't be the case. For example- you decided to work out for 30 minutes every day. So start rewarding yourself for working out at least 15 minutes daily for the first two weeks. Reaching your end goal could take several months, but you are still working towards it – and it deserves appreciation and a reward!

Take a break

It's common to have moments when you feel stuck trying to achieve your goals. Don't get bogged down. It is totally normal! Instead of continuing to do it half-heartedly and getting frustrated while achieving personal goals for moms, take out time to relax. Pause for a little while and just chill out! You may find it hard to do that, but you will definitely find a way to bounce back after a break. 

Lastly, let go of the guilt if you fail to achieve the goals because even the most determined people must deal with unexpected interruptions and need a break. Just be kind to yourself and keep going with more energy. With this, I conclude the essential tips on setting personal goals for moms. Follow these regularly to make small changes that you can sustain over time, and you will notice in the next few months, you are in a far different place than you are now!

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