What the Autumn season has taught me about unlearning

Do you remember middle school science class when you learned about WHY the leaves fall off of the trees?

We all know it happens but why? The truth is that the tree is exhibiting a courageous act of self-preservation. It is literally letting go of the things that are holding it back from living through the winter.

You see, the reason trees have leaves in the first place is because they have flat surface area to collect sunlight so the tree can take that sunlight and turn it into food for itself. And in return, the tree gives the leaves all of the water they need to be big, beautiful green, supple leaves.

But once Autumn comes around, the tree intuitively knows that winter is right around the corner and sunlight will be less available, water will be less available, and temps will be cold or downright frigid. So, the tree has to let go of the leaves and go into self-preservation mode.

The tree begins cutting off the water to the leaves, which is why they turn colors as they are drying up and then falling to the ground. We all think the colorful trees are so beautiful, but what we are witnessing is death.

To hear more, go to my podcast to hear the full episode about Autumn.

The leaves are dying and being shed from the tree by the tree.

So, too, must we sometimes let go of the things holding us back and go into self-preservation mode.

I have done this will family and friends already, there are some I am currently working through this with, and there are some that this will never happen with because these people are essential to me. Life is a give and take and the people that feed into me, I continue to feed into as well regardless of the season.

But there are others that I must let go. Autumn has taught me that this year. I’ve never thought of it this way before but for some reason it dawned on me recently. Autumn is about death and letting go and the trees are amazing teachers.

So, sister…what or who is holding you back? What or who do you need to let go of and go into self-preservation mode? What can Autumn teach you today?


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